May 102019

Lake Expo recently published an interesting article on three invasive species that could have a drastic effect on Lake of the Ozarks. “Lake Invaders! 3 Species That Lurk Nearby and How We can Protect Lake of the Ozarks” specifically points out a plant, a mussell and a fish and describes clearly what threat they pose to the native species and the new evnironment they find themselves in.

  • Hydrilla is an invasive plant from areas around India.
  • Zebra Mussels are native to Europe and Asia, but arrived in North American waterways in the 1980s.
  • Silver Carp are one of several Asian carp species in the state, are notorious for their unusual behavior when they get startled. They jump out of the water.

Read the whole story of how Lake of the Ozarks was created in Damming the Osage.  All Lens & Pen books are available on this site, at Barnes & Noble, and on